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Orthopaedic Surgeon - Canada
Well done, thanks. It is important that objective approaches be taken to this issue, especially as surgical intervention is still widely used. Your study points to the real need to gain more good unbiased data.
Orthopaedic Surgeon - Canada
I came across this podcast audio between Professor Teppo Järvinen and David Hunter on Linkedin Joint Action on 'Arthroscopy, past time to stop the harm' . While somewhat outside the precise topic being discussed in this article, the material being referenced in the podcast is strong evidence to suggest there be much greater restrain in use of scopes for knee OA (as evaluated beyond the issue of PROMS and muscle strengths) are the rare but very serious potentials for infection, and a host of negative cost and social issues. Is there an opportunity to address this issue more strongly in a discussion piece or some other aspects of this program?
Physiotherapist - Canada
Wondering if the OPM group did any exercises? If not, same results with much less effort and seems most would take the easy way out. OPM with exercises may be a “better” solution?
Orthopaedic Surgeon - Canada
An excellent collection and review of the available science with the attendant and relevant indication for potential bias. However, in these days of over arching health care costs, need to balance risk of benefit versus harm, there is, I believe, a missed opportunity not to address the relative value or lack of it versus the costs and potentials for serious negative outcomes such as infection. While this might be considered beyond the purview for this communication, such a matter is I believe, is worthy of consideration to be addressed were opportunities allow to focus on Value Based Outcomes for our patients.