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The Fuss about Cannabis Side Effects: How Bad Are They, Really?

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January 15, 2019

The Fuss about Cannabis Side Effects: How Bad Are They, Really?

Vol: 2| Issue: 1| Number:2| ISSN#: 2563-559X

Authored By: Yaping Chang, Tahira Devji, Christopher Vannabouathong, Mohit Bhandari On Behalf of OrthoEvidence

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Anonymous 2019-01-15

Orthopaedic Surgeon - United States

The side effects are significantly less than the serious side effects of opiods

Anonymous 2019-01-16

Physiotherapist - Canada

I recently read a study that acute marijuana-induced psychosis may potentially lead to future illness based on the following study in the American Journal of Psychiatry by Marie Stephanie Kejser Starzer, Merete Nordentoft, and Carsten Hjorthøj ( It is hard not to ignore this as a longer term potential harm that may occur in certain individuals. I don't have enough knowledge to comment on it but think it would be important to discuss it in the broader theme of using medical cannabis.

Anonymous 2019-01-16

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Canada

There doesn't seem to any significant advantage to including the THC component